How to Meal Prep for a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet: Tips and Recipes

How to Meal Prep for a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet: Tips and Recipes

Meal prepping is one of the most effective ways to stay on track with a healthy diet. It not only saves time and money but it also can help in avoiding unhealthy food choices when hunger strikes. Meal prep does not have to be complicated, even for those following a whole foods, plant-based diet. Here are some practical tips and recipes to make plant-based meal prep a breeze.

Plan Your Meals

Start by planning your meals for the week. Decide on your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Write down a list of ingredients you will need and organize them by grocery store departments like produce, grains, and spices. This will streamline your grocery shopping and save you time later.

Cook With a Purpose

One way to make sure your meal prep goes off without a hitch is to cook with a purpose. For example, cook up a large batch of quinoa or brown rice and use it in multiple meals throughout the week. Roast a sheet pan of mixed vegetables and divide them into separate meal containers. Doing this will save you both time and money later on.

Make Use of Your Freezer

The freezer is a meal prepper's best friend. Make large batches of soups, stews, and curries and then freeze individual portions for later use. Also, cook grains like quinoa or brown rice ahead of time and freeze them in individual portions. This will save you time in the long run.

Snacks On-the-Go

Snacks can be a great way to boost your energy throughout the day. Some healthy snack options include sliced fruits, raw veggies with hummus, or roasted nuts. Package them up to take with you on-the-go for a quick and healthy snack option.


Here are some recommended recipes for plant-based meal prep:


  1. Overnight oats with chia seeds and berries
  2. Tofu scramble with veggies
  3. Vegan protein smoothie


  1. Quinoa and black bean salad
  2. Lentil soup with roasted vegetables
  3. Vegan Buddha bowl with mixed greens and tofu


  1. Lentil bolognese with gluten-free pasta
  2. Roasted vegetable stir-fry with brown rice
  3. Vegan chili with cornbread

In conclusion, meal prepping while following a whole foods, plant-based diet does not have to be complicated. Plan ahead, cook with a purpose, make use of your freezer, and pack snacks on-the-go. With these tips and easy-to-make plant-based recipes, anyone can enjoy tasty and nutritious meals throughout the week.